About Us

About Us

Early to Amazon. Still out in front.

We became an Amazon-focused marketing agency over 15 years ago on a bet that the future of retail was online. Before we shifted our focus 100% to Amazon, we were a Manufacturer’s Rep Agency with a niche in consumer electronics. When Amazon first looked for vendors to expand their offerings into the products we represented, other Manufacturer’s Reps in our space didn’t want to touch Amazon. But we were intrigued, so we started working with Amazon, handling every aspect of marketing our clients’ products on this rising online retailer.

As Amazon grew, we grew with it, partnering with the company to pioneer the A+ content everyone clamors for today. Our clientele has grown too, expanding well beyond electronics to many different product lines.


We believe you have better things to do than learning the intricacies of working with Amazon. That’s not to say that Amazon is anything less than an extraordinary sales opportunity. It is! But it’s a full-time job keeping up with the company’s constantly evolving policies and processes. While Amazon offers an amazing customer experience, Vendors and Sellers receive minimal support.

Our philosophy is to take our years of Amazon experience and lift the full burden of Amazon marketing off your shoulders. Our services are all-inclusive by design. You will enjoy the highest quality of professional work, responsive communication, and peace of mind that comes from knowing that our well-rounded marketing team has every aspect of Amazon covered for you.


A peek at our gallery shows that we support some very well-known companies. We believe the quality of our work speaks for itself but we were gratified to receive recognition from Amazon in 2018 for creating Best-in-Class Detail Pages. If you’re looking for an Amazon focused Marketing Agency to represent your brand and products in a first-class way while improving your sales, let our team support yours.

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